Teacher Registered Apprenticeship

We are proud to introduce Teacher Registered Apprenticeship, an industry-focused training model that can help address the talent gap in the education system. Our state is excited to announce a new partnership with Southern University to cultivate the future leaders shaping our country’s well-being and economy.

“The Teacher Registered Apprenticeship Program provides an inclusive career pathway, which honors individuals from diverse backgrounds, and understands the value diverse apprentices bring to addressing the needs of America’s multicultural K-12 student body.  The Teacher Registered Apprenticeship Program changes lives and builds capacity so America can meet the needs of K-12 students!”

– Mary J Ford, Ed.D., Director of Inclusive Career Pathways, National Collaborative for Digital Equity.

If you need more information or have any questions, let us know by completing our Contact form.

School of Education at Southern University

Please send all referrals or questions to deborah_washington@subr.edu

Teacher Apprenticeship