State Apprenticeship Council

The State Apprenticeship Council was established to serve as an advisory board in administering this state’s apprenticeship laws and regulations. The Council is comprised of members appointed by the Director over the Office of Workforce Development, representing the general public, labor, and management, as follows:

Three representatives of employers; three representatives of employee organizations who are party to Louisiana-approved apprenticeship program; two members representing the general public; the state official in charge of trade and industrial education (ex-officio).

Pursuant to Louisiana Law Title 40, Part IX, Chapter 1, the purpose of the State Apprenticeship Council is to:

  1. Aid in formulating policies for the effective administration of the state apprenticeship program;
  2. Establish standards which shall represent the minimum standards required for approval of apprenticeship program standards for any proposed apprenticeship program sponsor making application for registration of a program;
  3. Issue such rules and regulations as may be necessary to carry out the purpose and intent thereof;
  4. Perform such other functions as the Director may direct;
  5. Assure an opportunity for young people to obtain training that will equip them for profitable employment and promote employment opportunities for young people under conditions providing adequate training and reasonable earnings as stated in Section 381 of the Louisiana Apprenticeship Law;
  6. Appoint a committee in a trade or group of trades in which there is no bona fide employer or employee organization, from persons known to represent interests of employers and employees respectively; and
  7. Approve the deregistration of programs that fail to meet Apprenticeship standards.

Council Members:

Claire Obgartel, Chair, ABC New Orleans – Bayou Chapter

Henry G. Heier, Vice-Chair, Mechanical Contractors Association of Louisiana, Inc.

Danielle Labbe, ABC – Pelican Chapter

Employee Organization Representatives:

Brent Moreland, IBEW Local #194

Aldo M. Irias-Duron,  Ironworkers Local #58

Andrew O’Brien Southeastern Louisiana NABTU Building & Construction Trades Council 

General Public Representatives:

Joey Goscha, Vice President, Baker Construction 

Bahiy Watson, Executive Director, 1881 Institute/Structural Analysis Engineer, Boeing 

Workforce Investment Council Member

Ex-Officio Member:

Amy Cable, Chief Student Affairs Officer, Louisiana Community College and Technical System

Louisiana Workforce Commission Officials:

Susana Schowen, Secretary, Louisiana Workforce Commission

Osmar Padilla, Assistant Secretary for Workforce Development 

Sonya Williams, Deputy Assistant Secretary 2