Qualifications for Funding

In order to determine if you are eligible to receive funding to assist with your Registered Apprenticeship, please fill out the WIOA Eligibility Pre-Screening Form.

We will forward this information to the Local Workforce Development Board of your region. The local board will contact you and request additional documentation, if they determine you are likely to be eligible.

Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) & Registered Apprenticeship Info

Registered Apprenticeship Form

  • Please answer the following questions to assist us in determining your eligibility as a "dislocated worker" Please answer each question carefully and accurately.
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Please complete the following for additional eligibility consideration:
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Thank you for completing the pre-eligibility application. If you are determined eligible you will be contacted by your local Business and Career Solutions Center to complete your application and provide the following documentation: > Valid Driver's License or State ID > Social Security Card > Proof of citizenship (birth certificate or passport) > Employment history, including dates of employment > If a male over the age of 18, Selective Service verification > If a veteran, DD-214

Please refer to http://careeronestop.org for additional information about Business & Career Solution Centers