Steps to Create a Registered Apprenticeship Program
Step One: Potential program sponsor submits a formal request for more information about how to start a Registered Apprenticeship Program to
Step Two: Complete and submit the Registered Apprenticeship Pre-Application for review.
Step Three: In person meeting between the potential program sponsor and an Apprenticeship Navigator and/or the Director of Apprenticeship to discuss the responsibilities and benefits of sponsoring a Registered Apprenticeship Program.
Step Four: Begin Developing Your Standards of Apprenticeship by Determining:
- Occupations to be taught
- Corresponding federally approved apprenticeable occupations
- Curriculum development
- On-the-job work processes
- Related theoretical and training instruction
- Classroom – books, materials, internet based?
- Location
- Instructors
- On-the-job work location(s)/employers (if applicable)
- Schedules/Work and classroom hours
- Establish Policies
- Entry qualifications and EEO recruiting processes (for programs with 5 or more apprentices)
- Progressive wage schedule and journeyworker wage rates
- Classroom and OJT evaluations
- Credit for previous experience
- Complaint procedures
- Completion time
- Probationary period
Step Five: Submit Standards of Apprenticeship to an Apprenticeship Navigator for review and comment.
Step Six: Completion
- Employer/organization internal approvals
- Preliminary approval from LWC Director of Apprenticeship
- Circulation of preliminary draft to SAC members for input by Director
- An official presentation by applicant to the State Apprenticeship Council for advisory recommendation or direct approval by LWC Secretary
- If approved: Enroll in RAPIDS
- Schedule follow-up meeting after approval by LWC Secretary to go over recordkeeping recommendations and expectations
- If not approved:
- Back to the drawing board to address deficiencies noted by the SAC or Secretary, and then must be resubmitted for the necessary approvals.
Process of Deregistering a Program
Step One: A provisional and/or compliance review will be performed prior to deregistering a program.
Step Two: If an Apprenticeship Navigator determines that the apprenticeship program is not conducted, operated, or administered in accordance with the program’s registered provision or the requirements of 29 CFR Part 30 , the program will be deemed to be non-compliant.
Step Three: The Registration agency must notify the sponsor in writing detailing the program’s deficiencies and shortcoming(s) and the remedy required. Additionally, the letter must also notify the sponsor that a determination of reasonable cause for deregistration will be made unless corrective action is effected within 30 days.
- Upon request by the sponsor for good cause, the 30-day term may be extended for another 30 days.
Step Four:
- If sufficient correction is effected within the allotted time, then the program will maintain its registered status and a follow-up review will be conducted within a year.
- If the required correction is not effected within the allotted time, the Apprenticeship Division must notify the program sponsor that there is reasonable cause to deregister the program unless, within 15 days of the receipt of this notice, the sponsor requests a hearing with the Apprenticeship Division.
Steps to Reinstating a Registered Apprenticeship Program
Step One: Former Program Sponsor submits a formal request seeking information about reinstatement
Step Two: In person meeting between the former Program Sponsor and the Apprenticeship staff to discuss the appropriate corrective actions and measures to be taken to prevent deregistration in the future.
Step Three: Begin Redeveloping Your Standards of Apprenticeship by Determining:
Occupations to be taught
- Corresponding federally approved apprenticeable occupations
Curriculum development
- On-the-job work processes
- Related theoretical and training instruction
- Classroom – books, materials, internet based?
- Location
- Instructors
- On-the-job work location(s)/employers (if applicable)
- Schedules/Work and classroom hours
Reevaluate and Reestablish Policies
- Entry qualifications and EEO recruiting processes (for programs with 5 or more apprentices)
- Progressive wage schedule and journeyworker wage rates
- Classroom and OJT evaluations
- Credit for previous experience
- Complaint procedures
- Completion time
- Probationary period
Step Five: Submit Standards of Apprenticeship to an Apprenticeship Navigator for review and comment.
Step Six: Completion
- Employer/organization internal approvals
- Preliminary approval from LWC Director of Apprenticeship
- Circulation of preliminary draft to SAC members for input by Director
- An official presentation by applicant to the State Apprenticeship Council for advisory recommendation or direct approval by LWC Secretary
- If reapproved: RAPIDS account Reactivated
- Schedule follow-up meeting after approval by LWC Secretary to go over recordkeeping recommendations and expectations
- If not approved:
- Back to the drawing board to address deficiencies noted by SAC or LWC Secretary and then must be resubmitted for the necessary approval by the LWC Secretary.